Welcome to BallotBills.com

The Ballot Bills Election System is an election solution using bank-like processes that can provide a Future with Integrity

Disclaimer – The Ballot Bills Election System will require contracts so that the “equipment types” shown below can be engineered to process the Ballot Bills. Ballot Bills have no current affiliation with equipment companies and no other conflicts of interest to declare.

A Ballot Bill, dollar in size, is a revolutionary bipartisan voting concept that will be the solution to many of our current voting woes.

Ballot Bills contain the information found on a standard Election Ballot, but unlike the traditional combined ballot, each Ballot Bill is comprised of only one candidate or one issue. Ballot Bills are a deconstructed version of the traditional ballot. Therefore, in this new process each election will contain a bundle of Ballot Bills for voters to make their choice.

  • Ballot Bills are uniquely designed denoting each candidate or proposition. They can be printed using “political party” colors with large fonts to provide voters with easy candidate/office recognition, further allowing for quicker voting, sorting and counting.

    Let’s look at why Ballot Bills were created and what drove the solution !

    Read more: Have you ever questioned why we have so many election issues?